The Assignment
An important part of being an Interior Designer is being able to know how users will interact with specific spaces. In order to train ourselves to do this, our class is analyzing 5 different types of spaces: Restaurant, Grocery Store, Retail Store, Hospital, and a Residence. However, we are not simply analyzing these spaces based on the visual content. We are describing the experience with all of our senses.
The Restaurant
California Pizza
264 19th Street NW Atlanta, GA 30363
January 7, 2012
3:38 p.m. - 5:56 p.m.
Early 20s to Late 30s
Children to Mid 40s
Other Info
The weather was nice, so this may have been the reason for the large amount of customers that came in. It was also a Saturday so many people may have had free time. The area of the restaurant is usually busy because it is a typical area of recreation for Atlanta residents and visitors.
A couple of friends and I met on a bench close to the restaurant. As we sat together I was able to notice the soft music playing the background and the noise of groups of friends and families enjoying their day out. The smells of the area were mixed with the smells of different restaurants including a Mexican restaurant, bakery, and a pizza place. Although the bench we were sitting on was hard, it was not a bother because it is not meant to be sat on for very long. I was able to see various types of people of various ages, allowing me to note how diverse the area truly was. I also noted the busy stores with customers coming and going from them. Despite the amount of people the area was maintained very well. There wasn't trash on the ground or anything of that sort.
Other people who were in the area seemed to be enjoying their time and because there were so many other options of restaurants it was difficult to know who was planning on going to California Pizza as well. But those that did were also intrigued by the many activities and sights offered in Atlantic Station. Many other customers made a couple stops before finally making their way to the restaurant.
We arrived and there was a small covering above the door. This covering already gave me a sense of comfort and a safe environment. There were also two people greeting us, one who was holding the door open for us already. Their cheerful attitudes added to the comfortable vibe that the restaurant was already beginning to produce. The first thing we smelled as we walked in was pizza. The sounds we heard consisted of several different things. We heard people working in the kitchen, clanging of plates and silverware. The lights were also dimmed just a little which allowed for a much more intimate feel to the place.
My friends and I had arrived before there was a big rush. However, customers after us started to pile in very quickly. The two workers that opened the door for us became too busy to greet each customer with as much enthusiasm as we were greeted with. So following customers weren’t introduced to the space with an already friendly vibe. There was also a large group of people in a small space which was obviously not comfortable. Other customers were starting their experience off with a negative mood.
Because we arrived before the large groups of people that followed us, we were not asked to wait. We were seated immediately.
Although we did not have to wait because there was already a table available, others were not as fortunate. Only a few guests were greeted well. However, a lot of the customers were then asked to sit on cushioned benches with no backs. They were able to smell the food being prepared and were able to see the joyful expressions of everyone else enjoying their meal. After a certain amount of time, many customers' expressions began to become more and more irritated.
Moving to Destination:
Our table was actually very close to the entrance so I didn’t have a lot of time to really take in my surroundings while walking to the table. But a couple of things did catch my attention and spark my senses. For instance, the pace of the hostess was very hurried and rushed; and just with that I was already aware that there was about to be an even larger crowd than what I was already witnessing. I also got to look at some of the main features of the restaurant such as the rock wall towards the back of the space and a large suspended light fixture. Both of these features added to the easy going mood that I felt when I first arrived.
Because I was seated immediately I was able to take in the atmosphere of the restaurant with a much more pleasant attitude. However, other customers who had to wait seemed irritated by the time there was a table ready for them. Instead of looking around and appreciating the visually pleasing elements around them or taking in the joyful noises, many customers were only focused on getting to their table and would become even more annoyed if by any chance another customer got in their way or if any other obstacle was created. It was easy to tell their experience was not very pleasant at this point.
Arrival to Destination:
Our destination was close. We were still able to smell food especially since we were placed very close to the kitchen. It was low and there wasn’t anywhere specific to place my belongs so I stuffed my purse into the corner of the seat and scooted my way across the leather booth. My initial thought was that the seats were very comfortable. And I also noticed that there was a small barrier between our table and the booth right next to ours. We weren't completely separated from them, but still weren't in their immediate personal space.
A couple of other customers had a similar experience when arriving at their tables. They would have to find a place for their things and then situate themselves comfortably. However, some customers were seated in different areas. Some were seated the bar or at a regular table and not a booth. The customers at the bar were able to hang their things on a hook provided underneath the countertop. The customers at regular tables simply had to place their things on the table or on their lap. That was probably an inconvenience for many.
Target Activities:
After getting comfortable it was then time to look at the menu. The menus were placed nonchalantly on the table rather than being placed perfectly straight in front of us. This added to the initial vibe I stated earlier on. The mood was still very easy going and I still felt comfortable. The smell of the pizza and other delicious entrees became stronger since we were seated right next to the kitchen. However, there were times when we would smell a sweet scent similar to that of perfume. Possibly from a waitress? The conversations among other customers became louder than when we first walked in. The sounds of the kitchen also became more evident. The booth we were seated in, however, was very comfortable. It was fully cushioned, unlike the waiting bench.
The customers that had to wait and were finally seated still seemed a little agitated at first. But as they began to get more comfortable and were given drinks, their moods were turning into positive moods. They were able to talk amongst their own group of friends, if they were with friends, or enjoy personal space, if they were at the bar. Their tension from waiting had been lifted and they were finally able to appreciate the comfortable and easy going atmosphere of California Pizza.
Secondary Activities:
The bathroom was difficult to find on our own. There were no signs clearly stating where the bathroom was so we were confused until we spoke to one of the staff members. Once we knew where the bathroom was we had to walk past an open area that led to the kitchen and we were able to see trash, mops, buckets, etc. There was also an odd odor as we approached the bathroom. The bathroom was nicely done although there was trash on the counters and the sconces were a tad bit tilted. There were only two stalls so obviously the restaurant did not expect to have many people coming to the restroom at once.
Any other customer that I witnessed trying to find their way to the bathroom encountered the same issue as us. They were confused until they finally decided to stop an employee. And I figured that the few customers that already knew where the bathroom was were probably customers that frequently visited California Pizza and had already experience the confusion that the rest of the customers shared.
Departing Destination:
Leaving our table was much like arriving at our table. We had to gather all of our things from the different places we found fitting to stuff them into. Then we had to find the strength the leave the comfortable booth. This required us to push and scoot our bodies out to the end of the seat and then lift our bodies up.
Every other customer, again, shared our experience. There were a few variations. The customers in booths also had to scoot their way out of the chairs and into a standing position. Other customers simply had to step out of their chairs. Regardless, it was a task to leave such a comfortable place and return to the real world that awaited us all outside of California Pizza’s doors.
Moving Toward Exit:
Much like our experience moving to our destination, leaving our destination was short. There were other things that I noticed even though the trip was short. It was easier to notice how tired many of the workers were. But I was also able to see that their hard work had paid off and had left several satisfied customers.
Some customers were further from the exit than we were and were able to take a second look at the space. Many ignored what was going on around them and seemed to just be ready to leave. Perhaps they had more plans and were trying to make it on time.
Final Departure:
We exited through the same door that we entered through earlier. There were other exits, but they were either sealed off as only emergency exits or they were not as obvious as the main entrance. As we walked out we had to avoid running into customers that were just now arriving. The host and hostess still asked for us to have a good day and to return to visit. They had a good attitude and that was a good way to leave a final impression in our minds about the service at this restaurant. Walking outside, where the weather was still pleasant, we continued on with our day with a positive mood.
Everyone else seemed to gravitate towards the same exit as us. They also avoided incoming traffic but did not seem to be affected by the obstacles because they had already gotten what they came for. They were also asked to enjoy the rest of their day and to come back to visit. Everyone’s attitudes seemed positive as they left California Pizza.
About Me

- Paula Cuevas
- My name is Paula Cuevas. I am an Interior Design major at SCAD. SCAD is currently the #1 school for Interior Design in the country. Which probably explains why the work is 1000x harder than what you would expect and the idea of sleep is a luxury. My desire to one day become an innovative and influential designer is what keeps me going. I plan on traveling the world in order to soak up all the different cultures and styles it has to offer. Hopefully, this will enhance my design style even further. My philosophy towards design is that with an OPEN MIND, possibilities become endless.