At first glance a point seems pretty simple. But with a little more investigation, one will find that a point is a powerful entity. Although it does not have dimension, it gives the viewer a sense of an object or a focus point. A point can be static, it can be centralized, it can be directionless, or it can give a sense of direction. A point can signify the beginning and the end all at one time. It all depends on how the person seeing it really interprets it. A point is the origin to a plethora of possibilities. A point is used to generate form and without a point, nothing else would be able to become reality.
In this example the point shows the area of highest interest in the space. The viewers attention automatically goes to this point because of the high contrast and the placement.
The next step in design, after a point, is a line. Lines are the bridge that connect two points together. The possibilities of a line are also countless, much like the point. Lines can indicate even more than a simple point. A line can be curvelinear which gives the viewer a sense of gentle movement. It can be horizontal which gives the viewer a sense of restfulness. Vertical lines can create stability. Zig Zag lines add life to a design. The list goes on and on. One thing that must stay in ones mind when it comes to line is that EVERY line has a meaning.
The lines in this example are all vertical. They help to show a division between spaces. But since it is an office space, stability and organization are important concepts that are exhibited well through these vertical lines.
A plane is a grouping of lines to make a flat 2 dimensional surface. A plane can be associated with shape. Planes are basically lines that have been given dimension. It is as though a line was stretched out in one direction to form a different shape. Planes can be useful in defining spaces and giving certain things boundaries. Examples of planes can be overhead planes, such as a ceiling, wall planes, such as walls, and ground planes, such as floors. There are also several changes that can be made to planes to make them more aesthetically interesting. Such changes include elevating, depressing, terracing, opening puncturing, angling, raising, and lowering a plane.
The planes in this space help to give the space some interest. The planes do not simply intersect each other an expected position. They are placed in an interesting composition. They also help to give the space boundaries. For instance if the higher plane did not exist then someone could easily fall down to the lower level.
The final element of design discussed in Chapter 1 is volume. Volume is created by intersecting several different planes. Or it can also be seen as a plane that has been extruded and given a third dimension. Much like a plane can be called a shape, something with volume can be called form. The possibilities of a form are quite large as well. For one, the form can be completely solid or it can be void and hollow. The different forms that can be made can be very linear and sharp or soft and round much like lines can be strictly horizontal and vertical or can be curvelinear. When looking at a form it is crucial to remember that it could not have come into existence without that initial point that started it all.
The volume in this example is very linear. It is also very simple. However, the placement of the two forms on top of each other help to create an interesting view for those who witness it.
About Me

- Paula Cuevas
- My name is Paula Cuevas. I am an Interior Design major at SCAD. SCAD is currently the #1 school for Interior Design in the country. Which probably explains why the work is 1000x harder than what you would expect and the idea of sleep is a luxury. My desire to one day become an innovative and influential designer is what keeps me going. I plan on traveling the world in order to soak up all the different cultures and styles it has to offer. Hopefully, this will enhance my design style even further. My philosophy towards design is that with an OPEN MIND, possibilities become endless.